
When I opened my phone today, a song I wrote more than twenty years ago came on all of its own from someone’s playlist on a streaming service that I don’t even have a subscription for anymore. God knows how that happened. 

Here we are, just after the tornado hit Tennessee, on the morning of David's surgery and as COVID-19 is taking the world by .. well .. by storm. This song turns on out of nowhere on my phone, after 20 years of silence, talking about this time that it apparently could see coming in those, what I now realize were, pretty idyllic days. And it has a message: 

“There’s a storm that’s gonna blow tonight 
There’s a cloud that’s gonna darken the sky 
There’s a fire going on in the West 
So hurry darling we’re gonna have to love our best” 

- Ida Kristin
March Friday 13th 2020