Happy International Day of Peace!

Happy International Day of Peace!

A great day to do an act of peace, don't you think?
Like choosing to forgive somebody or yourself for something, or letting go of something that you've held on to long enough. Little or big, there's always something that can make your life a little more peaceful..

Yes, there's a lot of chaotic things going on in the world. But don't forget, the direction is 'From Inner Peace to World Peace', not the other way around..

Let us know what you came up with, and what happened as a result! We're always thrilled to hear back from you - leave your mark in our guestbook, a message on our Facebook or email us at info@davidandida.com.

Wrote this song on a beach in Florida. About magic, and what happens when you allow it in. Put it with some photos from moments of peace that we've felt, beginning with a sunset from that very evening in Florida - "The Real Peter Pan".
Wishing you a bit more inner peace and to be in touch again real soon!

- Ida Kristin

Read more about International Peace Day here: 
Unify http://unify.org
UN http://www.un.org/en/events/peaceday/

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